These safety norms apply at all times in the lab. There are additional safety precautions for each tool; make sure you read these before using a tool.
- Never work alone in the woodshop.
- If you are too tired, stressed, or for any reason cannot exercise appropriate caution, do not work in the lab.
- Inappropriately operating the tools and machines in the lab may result in a time- and cost-intensive repair. This also means essential tools may be out of commission, which could prevent you from completing your projects as intended.
- Wear appropriate safety gear and clothing for the space you are working in.
- If you are unsure of how to use a tool or machine, ASK!
- FIRST AID KIT: blue box hanging on the peg board near the main door to the lab (to the left when looking out the door)
- FIRE EXTINGUISHER: located behind the main door to the lab–to the right when looking out the door.
Woodshop Protocol
- Hair must be tied up in a bun. No loose hair around face.
- No jewelry (including watches, bangles, necklaces, etc.). Post earrings are acceptable.
- You must wear closed-toe shoes.
- Be mindful of dust—it is carcinogenic! When available, connect the machine you are using to dust collection. Otherwise, vacuum up dust when you finish. Wear a mask when you are generating dust.
- Safety glasses are required at all times, even if you are not actively using a machine.
- Wood chips may fly off of someone else’s machine unexpectedly. We value your vision!
- Keep your items in your labeled bin.
- You may store items on the shelves near the desktop CNC.
- If you don’t label your items, they are up for grabs!
- If you have an item that is larger than your bin, label it and find someone on the teaching team to help you find a place for it in the lab.
- Put everything back where you found it.
- When you finish with a tool, follow the tool-specific cleanup instructions. Throw away trash and scraps which cannot be reused.
- When you are done working in the lab, find someone on the teaching team to give you a 5-minute general lab cleanup job.
- Tabletops must be clean when you leave.
Machine & Tool Sign-Up
We want a collegial and supportive community in the lab, and encourage lab users to help accommodate each others’ needs. As we have a small class, we will initially not have formal tool signups or usage quotas. We can develop policies as issues arise.